
HTRomance, Medieval Latin corpus of ground-truth for Handwritten Text Recognition and Layout Segmentation ===================== characters badge regions badge lines badge files badge



This ground-truth dataset has been carefully built around the idea of having generic data for building a strong and reliable model for HTR of Latin manuscripts. Each manuscript should have around 10 columns (5 bi-columns pages or 10 pages of single column).

Data follow the Segmonto guidelines.

[!NOTE] The repository contains two XML files per image. The ones suffixed with .chocomufin.xml are normalized in order to be compliant with other datasets following the same guidelines. The others are more specific to this repository. We recommend using the normalized documents.


Transcription guidelines

The transcription guidelines are described in a paper available on HAL and published in the Journal for Open Humanities Data. The paper provides specific details about the selection process, the transcription methods and choices, as well as details about the output (mainly the Generic CREMMA Model for Medieval Manuscripts (Latin and Old French) for Kraken)


ALTO and images can be found in the directory called data/. Each subfolder of data/ corresponds to a single manuscript, identified by its shelfmark.

Shelfmark Links Range Type Century Color Pages Main Zones Lines Characters Genre Content
BnF, lat. 13388 📁 17-27 - 9 10 10 185 5046 Treatises _
BnF, lat. 9768 📁 1r-3r prose 10 3 12 330 9522 Narratives Historiarum Libri Quatuor, Nithard
BnF, lat. 17901 📁 63r-67v (1f32.item-f141.item) - 11 10 10 467 16136 Narratives _
BnF, lat. 15176 📁 5r-7r (f15.item-f19.item) - 11 5 10 555 19687 Narratives _
BnF, lat. 12449 📁 196-198 - 12 3 12 512 13463 Treatises _
BnF, lat. 130 📁 78v-80v mixed 12 5 5 199 11776 Treatises Gregorius Magnus, Homiliae in Ezechielem, 2, HOMILIA II
BnF, lat. 12270 📁 7-11 - 12 5 11 517 12917 Treatises _
BnF, lat. 10996 📁 1r-3r prose 13 3 5 109 4770 Documents of practice Chartularium Abbatiæ Beatæ Mariæ
BnF, lat. 8001 📁 51v-53v (f106.item-f110.item) verse 13 5 10 506 16856 Poetry Ovid. met. XI, 671sqq
BnF, lat. 16085 📁 63v-65v (f128.item-f132.item) prose 13 5 10 392 9056 Treatises Arist. Latin. - Metaphysica I, 3sqq
BnF, lat. 17903 📁 37r-39r (f128.item-f132.item) mixed 13 5 10 440 13876 Poetry Flor. Gall.
BnF, lat. 14354 📁 68b-69ra prose 13 2 8 546 20981 Narratives Collatio Alexandri et Dindimi
BnF, lat. 16204 📁 333-337 prose 13 5 10 462 15859 Treatises Albumasar, Tractatus revolutione annorum mundi (De Experimentis); Albumasar, Flores
BnF, lat. 16657 📁 82v-84r prose 13 4 4 199 8333 Treatises Almagesti Minor
BnF, lat. 5657 📁 42v,36v-37r,46v-47r prose 13 3 13 152 7255 Documents of practice Charte de Renaud Musavène (f42v); Don d’une maison par Mathieu II (f36v); Philippe de Beaumont & Don de la mairie de Champagne par Jehan (f37r); Don d’Hémery Aladent (fin), (?), Bouchard VI de Montmorency (46v); Le Culte de Saint Guillaume établi à Pontoise, Concession par l’abbé de S. Denis du fief de Teleuse (f47r);
BnF, NAL 730 📁 f.13 - 14 4 8 285 12510 Narratives _
BnF, lat. 14137 📁 1r-5v (f5.item-f14.item) vers 14 5 5 193 4966 Poetry Catull.
BnF, NAL 775 📁 91r-93r prose 14 5 10 492 14752 Narratives Legenda aurea, De sancto Petro martyre, De sancto Philippo apostolo, De sancto Iacobo apostolo
BnF, lat. 7720 📁 100v-102v prose 14 5 10 580 13711 Treatises Quintilien, Inst. 11.2.44 seq
BnF, lat. 14650 📁 342v-344r - 15 2 4 174 9305 Narratives Vita Gengulfi
BnF, Smith-Lesouëf 11 📁 7-9 - 15 3 6 195 7199 Poetry _
BnF, Smith-Lesouëf 12 📁 7-11 - 15 5 5 119 4274 Narratives _
BnF, Arsenal, ms. 1046 📁 1r-5v - 15 10 10 397 13417 Poetry Ovide, Les Métamorphoses
BnF, NAL 632 📁 36r-40v (f75.item-f84.item) - 15 10 10 195 7327 Treatises _
BnF, NAL 1909 📁 46r-52v (f95.item-f108.item) vers 16 10 10 220 7333 Poetry Carmina Varia (?)
BnF, lat. 6337 📁 1r-3r (f9.item-f13.item) - 16 5 6 260 11546 Narratives _
BnF, Smith-Lesouëf 16 📁 21-23 - 16 3 6 151 5612 Documents of practice _
BnF, lat. 6337 📁 1r-5v prose 16 3 3 176 0 Narratives Tusculanarum quaestionum libri quinque


Total number of pages





This project was funded by the Bibliothèque nationale de France through the 2022 project calls from Datalab for 2023.

Cite the project

Clérice, T., Chagué, A., Gille-Levenson, M., Brisville-Fertin, O., Pinche, A., Camps, J., Fischer, F., Boschetti, F., Guadagnini, E., Guilhem Couffignal, G., Canteaut, O., Romary, L., Reboul, M., Perreaux, N., Poibeau, T., Smith, M., Norindr, J., Glaise, A., Navas Farré, M., Bordier, J., Leroy, N., Alba, R., & Rubin, G. HTRomance [Data set].

author = {Clérice, Thibault and Chagué, Alix and Gille-Levenson, Matthias and Brisville-Fertin, Olivier and Pinche, Ariane and Camps, Jean-Baptiste and Fischer, Franz and Boschetti, Federico and Guadagnini, Elisa  and Guilhem Couffignal, Gilles and Canteaut, Olivier and Romary, Laurent and Reboul, Marianne and Perreaux, Nicolas and Poibeau, Thierry and Smith, Marc and Norindr, Jade and Glaise, Anthony and Navas Farré, Marina and Bordier, Julie and Leroy, Noé and Alba, Rachele and Rubin, Giorgia},
title = ,
url = {}


This project relied on the CREMMA infrastructure.